Expert Insights on Low Back Pain

Low back pain, a prevalent ailment affecting millions worldwide, can significantly impact daily life and productivity. Dr. Rajan Kumar, renowned for his expertise as a Neurosurgeon in Kolkata, provides invaluable insights into this condition.

Dr. Kumar emphasizes the multifactorial nature of low back pain, which can stem from various causes such as muscle strain, spinal disc herniation, degenerative disc disease, or spinal stenosis. He highlights the importance of accurate diagnosis through a comprehensive evaluation including medical history, physical examination, and imaging studies when necessary.

In his practice, Dr. Kumar adopts a patient-centric approach, customizing treatment plans to address the underlying cause and individual needs. He stresses the significance of conservative measures such as physical therapy, medication, and lifestyle modifications as first-line treatments.

For cases resistant to conservative management or those with severe symptoms, Dr. Kumar may recommend surgical intervention. Utilizing advanced techniques and technology, he performs procedures such as spinal decompression or fusion with precision and expertise.

Beyond treatment, Dr. Kumar emphasizes the importance of preventive strategies and patient education. He empowers individuals with knowledge about proper posture, ergonomic practices, and exercises to strengthen the back muscles and alleviate strain.

Through his compassionate care and commitment to excellence, Dr. Rajan Kumar continues to make a significant impact in the field of neurosurgery, providing relief and restoring quality of life for those suffering from low back pain in Kolkata and beyond. His dedication to patient well-being exemplifies the pinnacle of neurosurgical practice.

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